Potato Greens – Liberian Savory Vegetables Recipe

Potato Greens is a Liberian vegetable dish. Learn the easy potato greens recipe and ingredients; professional kitchen tips and improvisation to make yours at home conveniently.

Potato greens are a savory vegetable dish that can be served alone or as a complement to your favorite meal. They’re simple to make and only require few simple ingredients, making them great for any night of the week. Here’s how you can easily whip up your own potato greens at home.

This article contains the following subheadings:

  1. Description: What it is, history, and facts.
  2. The Recipe: A detailed information on preparation and more.
  3. Recipe Video: A video guide.
  4. Pictures: Some nice Potato Greens photos.
  5. Frequently Asked Questions: Answers to popular questions asked.

You may not have ever heard of potato greens before, but you’re sure to be familiar with the vegetable it comes from! Potato greens are the leaves of a potato plant. This unique green can be used in many of your favorite recipes, or enjoyed simply steamed, boiled, or roasted in its own right. Learn more about the different types of greens available, and try your hand at making potato greens at home with our easy recipe!

What is Potato Greens?

Potato greens are simply the potato leaves cooked as vegetables. This dis is popular in Africa, most especially Liberia. The vines of potato greens, also known as sweet potato leaves, camote tops, or kamote tops, are rich and tasty, however they may be a little bitter like most greens.

There are many ways to enjoy potatoes, but have you ever considered eating the greens? If not, you’re missing out! Potato greens (the leaves and stalks growing directly from the potato) are delicious, nutritious, and so easy to prepare that even your pickiest of eaters will love them.

When prepared, the leaves resemble spinach or turnip greens. Any roughness or bitterness in the sweet potato vine leaves is eliminated by boiling them briefly in water. Chop the leaves and use them in recipes or sauté them after the sweet potato greens are tender.

Potato Greens Recipe

Potato Greens

presents this unique Potato Greens Recipe, a popular Mexican Dessert. It takes to prepare and extra cook time. Note: time can vary on your side.

Ingredients needed for Potato Greens

  • 2 large bunches of potato greens
  • 1 onion
  • 1-2 lbs of various meats of your choice – Season ahead of time for best results
  • Vegetable oil
  • Seasoned salt
  • onion powder
  • chicken bullion cubes.
  • Optional: Baking soda

How to make Potato Greens step by step

  1. Remove the stems, and wash your potato greens thoroughly
  2. Chop them into small pieces. Place aside.
  3. In a large pot, sauté the onion and meats in vegetable oil until they are almost fully cooked. Then, take out of the pot.
  4. Add the potato greens to the pot with the remaining oil and cook until tender (about 15 minutes), stirring frequently. Add a pinch of baking soda to the greens before frying to add color.
  5. Combine all of the ingredients in a pot, season, and add just enough water to cover everything.
  6. Season with seasoned salt, onion powder, and chicken bullion cubes to taste.
  7. Cook, stirring frequently, over medium heat until all of the water has been absorbed (about 30 minutes).
  8. Take off the heat and serve with rice.

Servings: 4

Recipe Video: How to make Potato Greens

Video Title: How to make Potato Greens

Learn how to make potato greens. This is a video on how to prepare your potato greens.

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Recipe tags: Liberian potato greens, potato greens, potato greens recipe, liberian, potato greens vegetable, what is potato greens, potato greens food, how to make potato greens, potato greens recipe video, easy method of making potato greens, video on how to prepare potato greens, how to prepare potato greens, potato greens instructions video, potato greens recipe methods, potato greens recipe tips, potato greens recipe pictures, potato greens food photos, potato greens step by step instructions, potato greens cooking methods, potato greens methods, potato greens cooking directions

Potato Greens endnote

Potatoes are a very versatile food that can be used in almost any way imaginable, including being turned its leaves, potato greens into eatable vegetables. While eating potato greens might not sound like something you’d do often, it’s actually quite delicious, and offers some benefits that regular cooked greens don’t. Hope you’ve learned what potato greens are and how to make them here! Use the comment section to ask your questions.

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