How to Make Chongos Zamoranos

Chongos Zamoranos

You may have seen this amazing desert in Spain and probably never had the courage to ask what it was called or how it was made, so I decided to write this recipe to share with you my experience and show you how easy it is to make Chongos zamoranos, if you follow the recipe carefully and you do everything step by step, you will have an amazing dessert to impress your family and friends.

    Table of contents:

  1. About
  2. Ingredients
  3. Recipe
  4. Video Guide
  5. Images

Chongos zamoranos are delicious, fun to make and everyone loves them! Learn how to make Chongos zamoranos with this complete and easy guide!

What is Chongos Zamoranos?

Chongos zamoranos is a Mexican delicacy made from curdled milk. Rennet pills, milk, sugar, and cinnamon are common ingredients. The end result is a soft cheese-like dish topped with a sweet brown milky syrup. It is thought to have begun in colonial-era convents in Zamora, Michoacan.

During the colonial period, Chongos Zamoranos originated in Zamora convents (hence the name). It is said to have originated in the kitchens of convents in the viceroyalty city of Zamora de Hidalgo, Michoacรกn.

Traditionally, this delicacy is made in clay pots (cazuelas) and served with sugar syrup that has separated in the pot on top of the curds. The term “chongo” is derived from the word “tzontli,” which means “hair,” and refers to curdled milk that has been sliced and then boiled again. As a result, the pieces twist slightly and form knots or bows similar to those formed by people with long hair. In Japanese, “Chongo” also means “bow” or “pompadour.”

It has a woody appearance. However, when it’s cold, it takes on a different texture. It’s also very filling; it’s a great texture for ice cream, and you can eat it plain or fold it into a panna cotta.

Recipe Facts

Chongos Zamoranos recipe

Recipe: Chongos Zamoranos Recipe
Category: Dessert
Cuisine: Mexican
Preparation Time:
Cooking time:
Ingredients: Ingredients list here
Instructions: Click to go to process
Servings: 6
Average rating: 4.8 of 5.0 from 626 reviews
Tags: chongos zamoranos, zamoranos chongos, chongos zamoranos recipe, chongos zamoranos food, how to make chongos zamoranos, chongos zamoranos recipe video, easy method of making chongos zamoranos, video on how to prepare chongos zamoranos, how to prepare chongos zamoranos, chongos zamoranos instructions video, chongos zamoranos recipe methods, chongos zamoranos recipe tips, chongos zamoranos recipe pictures, chongos zamoranos food photos, chongos zamoranos step by step instructions, chongos zamoranos cooking methods, chongos zamoranos methods, chongos zamoranos cooking directions
About: Chongos Zamoranos recipe guide. Learn how to make your Asian dessert, chongos zamoranos.

Ingredients List

  • 1 cup milk
  • 3 cups sugar
  • 2 sticks cinnamon, for chongos and to decorate
  • 3 tablespoons piloncillo, grated
  • 2 limes, for juice

How to make Chongos Zamoranos step by step

  1. Pour a small amount of milk into a glass and set aside. It might be equivalent to half a glass of wine.
  2. Add a pinch of salt to the glass of milk and dilute the rennet pill until it curdles.
  3. In a saucepan, heat the milk, then add the sugar, cinnamon, and brown sugar. Heat until the aromas of the sugar, cinnamon, and brown sugar have released, but do not bring to a boil.
  4. Add the lemon juice to the mixture to make the milk curdle.
  5. Cook the chongos in a pot until they turn amber, then set aside for 2 hours.
  6. Drain the liquid from the chongos and serve with a few cinnamon sticks.

Another nice way to dress up this dessert is to place a few pineapple chunks in drained syrup, or to serve it with a teaspoon of liquor to everyone’s taste. The buns have a good flavor and are presented in an interesting way.

Although the original recipe calls for sugar and curdled milk, new flavors include dried fruit, cajeta, vanilla, cheese, and liquor. It is not only sold in cans, but it is also exported internationally.

Chongos Zamoranos food pictures

Homemade Chongos ZamoranosHow to make chongos zamoranosChongos Zamoranos foodhow to prepare Chongos Zamoranos

Video on How to make Chongos Zamoranos

Video Title: How to make Chongos Zamoranos

Learn how to make chongos zamoranos. This is a video on how to prepare fantastic chongos zamoranos.


Have you ever heard of Chongos zamoranos? Itโ€™s a typical dessert in the Andalusia region, which includes Sevilla, Granada and Cordoba among others. Chongos Zamoranos are made with corn flour (masa) and milk. In Sevilla they are called alfajores de leche or simply alfajores, while in Cordoba they are called majarete because they have milk as main ingredient. They are delicious! Here you have an easy and quick recipe to make chongos zamoranos in your own home by following these simple steps.

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A passionate home cook and food lover who loves nothing more than sharing my favourite recipes with the world.




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