Search Results for: label/Desserts

  • Berenjena Parmesan

    Berenjena Parmesan sounds like something you might find on the menu at an upscale restaurant, but it’s actually incredibly easy…

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  • Chamoyadas

    You’ve probably seen it at your local Mexican restaurant, but you might not know what it’s called or how to…

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  • Ensalada de Manzana

    Ensalada de Manzana, or apple salad, is a delicious and simple dish that can be prepared in just minutes. This…

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  • Peasant Salad

    Peasant salad is one of the most unique salads you can eat, and if you’re looking to add more vegetables…

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  • Pan Integral

    Pan Integral bread – it’s brown, it’s soft, it’s delicious! If you have bread in the USA, it’s probably white…

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  • Gorditas de Nata

    Gorditas de nata are one of the most popular desserts in Mexico, and they’re sometimes called Mexican cheesecakes or flan-like…

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  • Pan Dulce Mexicano

    Pan Dulce Mexicano is a type of Mexican sweet bread that’s eaten all over the country, with some regional differences…

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  • Brochetas

    Brochetas, or brochette in English (meaning “skewer,” “skewered”), are meals served on skewers. This dish is known as chuzo or…

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